AC/DC Love

Wednesday 7 January 2015

As a huge AC/DC fan, I was thrilled at the prospect of a new LP and Rock or Bust just didn't disappoint. When I first heard Play Ball, I had an idea that I was going to love the new record just as much as the classics and I was right. Ever since that first play, the album has basically lived with me, I listen to it pretty much everyday.

Today, while at the hair salon treating myself to a blow-dry, I was asked what my favourite AC/DC song is and well, I couldn't answer. I hate those questions because when you don't automatically answer, it makes you look like you don't know and you aren't really a fan and that couldn't be further from the truth. I just love so many that it's hard to pick a favourite. After some consideration, I finally came to the conclusion of Back in Black and I don't know why or how.

Anyway, the reason behind writing this post wasn't because I was asked which song is my favourite, it's because I was also asked where I got my top from. The top in question has been another AC/DC related constant in my life since I bought it. I'm always throwing it on with my staple jeans and ankle boots. If you follow me on, you would have seen my many #ootd posts featuring this piece.
AC/DC Burnout Tee by And Finally from

I love band tees and I especially love finding well made ones on the High Street like this that are affordable. If I could I'd collect as many vintage tees as possible. I'd also buy tons of Christian Benner creations because they're perfection. I'm obsessed! Between his vintage tee collection and his custom leather jackets, I'm dying to see his new store in NYC. It'd be heaven! He's possibly my favourite designer at the moment because he's so rock 'n' roll! If you haven't heard of him, I'd definitely recommend checking him out! Head on over to his Instagram feed to see what I mean.

Also, I absolutely love this video. Look at his fashion show and the little interview. This says it all..... "Fashion and music are just, marriage".

On another note, the announcement yesterday that AC/DC are headlining Coachella really made me wish I could attend. I've always wanted to go to the Cali festival and I've always wanted to see the legendary AC/DC live. I will envy all of those lucky people who get to witness it, later this year. It's not fair! Why does California have to be so far away? One day I hope to get to experience both. Hopefully AC/DC won't retire yet, they've still got some rock and roll thunder...

James Bay

Sunday 4 January 2015

I'd heard the name James Bay a while back somewhere on the grapevine, probably via twitter and I'd meant to head on over to YouTube to check out his sound. For some reason I never got round to it until today. I'm not a frequent radio listener as I'm almost always plugged into my iPod, so I'm aware I've been living under a rock and unbeknownst to me, I've been missing out BIG TIME! 

This morning I was catching up on some magazine reading and there in the middle of the January issue of Nylon (that I subscribe to from across the pond) was a full page featuring James Bay. They described his sound as; folksy guitar melodies fused with soulful vocals for a gorgeous stripped down, familiar-yet-fresh result that's love at first listen. For somebody who has a soft spot for male singer-songwriters, I immediately had to find out for myself if I'd agree. After hearing only Hold Back The River I was hooked and browsing through his VEVO channel, only made me like him more after each acoustic performance. A man and a guitar, doing his thing in various street locations, decked out in a stylish ensemble and almost always wearing a fedora upon his head. Effortlessly cool! He looks every part the musician before he's even started playing. I love how he embraces the hat. As a fellow hat wearer, I wish more men wore them. They're the perfect style statement and can transform a look in an instant. They're just a rock 'n' roll extra to an outfit. Seriously, if any men are reading this.... Take note please :) 

Anyway, I digress....His debut album is yet to be released but I'm eager to get my ears on it as soon as it's available. People have been comparing him to artists like Hozier, George Ezra and Ray Lamontagne. It's also been said that he's hugely underrated. I kind of get the references but he's a pretty authentic guy. In my opinion, he just sounds like James Bay. Unique in his own right and doing what he appears to have been born to do. I always envy people who get to do that. You can tell he was born to be a musician. I, along with many others have fell in love with his heartfelt lyrics and soulful voice. His raw, emotional honesty is exactly what I look for in an artist and I'm excited that the UK has a new talent that's being recognised on the mainstream scale. With this years Brits 2015 Critics' Choice award in the bag, I'm sure he won't be considered underrated for much longer. I just hope he holds on to his own artistic creativity and remains true to who he is.

So thanks Nylon for giving me the push to discover him (I only wish I'd fully read the magazine when it first arrived, I would've been enlightened weeks ago but never mind) and thanks to James Bay for being James Bay! 

Liebster Award Nomination

Saturday 3 January 2015

The lovely Shannon McCartney of Stylish Sunrise has nominated me for the Liebster Award. Even though I haven't been the best at keeping my blog updated lately, I'm extremely happy and grateful for being chosen, so thank you Shannon! Please make sure to check out her blog! I'm sure you'll love it!

The Liebster Award is all about raising awareness for smaller blogs that have less than 200 followers and to get to know new bloggers in our amazing blogging community.

The Rules:

1. Link the person who nominated you.

2. Answer the questions given by the nominator.

3. Nominate 11 other blogger who have less than 200 followers.

4. Create 11 questions for the nominees. 

5. Notify all nominees via social media/blogs.

Shannon's questions for me:

1. What's your favourite trend of 2014?

Dusters and kimonos! Easy to throw on over a tee and jeans to instantly change your look! 

2. What do you love the most about blogging?

I just like having an outlet. I've always wanted to be a journalist and life gets in the way a lot, so having my own place to share my style; inspiration, thoughts and opinions is great. Fashion and music are my favourite things so it's natural for me to want to write about them.  

3. What do you value the most in your life?

Love. Family. There's nothing more important to me than that. I'm thankful for my family everyday, especially my mum. 

4. How would you explain yourself in 4 words?

Loyal, intuitive, trustworthy, rock 'n' roll. 

5. If you were able to move any where in the world where would it be? And why?

New York. I'm so obsessed with the place, pretty much have been for many years but now that I've been and I know the extent of what I'm missing, it's worse! I've always been fascinated by America. I'd love to see it all but NYC will always be the one for me. There's nowhere else like it. Cliche but definitely the best city in the world. 

6. What's your favourite thing to blog about?

Fashion and Rock music. 

7. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

These questions always freak me out. I can't even believe I'm 25 years old already! I suppose in 10 years I just hope I'm happy and settled. Hopefully with a career I love, a house and a man, possibly even a child? Not asking for much am I? I don't know, I try not to think too far ahead. 

8. If you could have one wish in the world what would it be and why?

For my family to be happy, healthy and without worry. Or my selfish answer would be to find true love and have my New York dream life haha...

9. Who or what inspires you and why?

So much inspires me; my mum, music, books, fashion, celebrities, films, TV, New York, people. I suppose life in general is inspirational. 

10. What are you really really good at?

I think I have a strong sense of self and I trust my instincts. I'm also quite good at reading people. 

11. What makes you smile?

Enjoying time with loved ones outside of work. Free time is precious! Also, I suppose the usual shopping, nights out, good music. Anything I enjoy...

My nominations:

My questions to you:

1. Favourite style icon?

2. What made you decide to start blogging?

3. What's your biggest ambition in life? 

4. Which fashion designers do you admire?

5. You've got a free ticket to anywhere in the world, where would you go?

6. What's in your make-up bag?

7. What do you consider to be the most important quality in a person?

8. Favourite band, album, song? 

9. Ultimate celeb crush?

10. Favourite quote? 

11. Best style/item of clothing on a man?

So there we go, be sure to check out my nominees blogs and don't forget you can follow me via social media;
Twitter: williamsburgw and xxstacey8xx
Instagram: staceyw1989 

Happy weekend! 

Black Velvet

Tuesday 30 December 2014

I absolutely love a black velvet look for Winter, especially Party Season. With New Years Eve right around the corner, the above photo of MK&A immediately came to mind. The Olsens are always chic but there's something about this picture that's really compelling. I love everything about it! They're the ultimate style inspo, so I decided to find more velvet pieces to add to my collection. In the process, I was aiming to find my NYE outfit. 

On Christmas Eve, I wore my Topshop velvet dress that I've owned for a few years. However, I knew I needed an updated look for welcoming in 2015! 
My Topshop dress has a touch of sparkle, so I was looking to divert away from that when seeking out some new styles. came to the rescue with their amazing sale over Boxing Day weekend. I ended up ordering three dresses because I couldn't just choose one. A girl needs options, right? Anyway, the two shorter styles I chose are perfect paired with tights and ankle boots. A look I much prefer compared to heels. I like being comfortable and adding more of a grunge/rock 'n' roll edge to an outfit! One is very plain and simple but the other is a crushed velvet, with a high neck and scalloped hem design.
Laura Velvet Shift Dress
Cara Crushed Velvet Shift Dress

My other purchase is the ultimate in gothic glam. A velvet maxi! I love the thigh split on this too, dramatic and daring. This piece might possibly be the most dressy out of the three and as much as I love it, I think I prefer the shorter designs on myself as they're more flattering of my figure.
Kelly Velvet Long Sleeve Maxi Dress

Alongside looking to MK&A for inspiration, I browsed the net and Pinterest for other celebs and women wearing the trend. So here's a few favourites...

So there we have it, my NYE ootn should be sorted. I've got choices and what better way to enter a New Year than channeling an Olsen! They say how you start a new year sets the tone for the rest of it afterall....

Hope everyone has had a fabulous holiday season and best wishes for the New Year! 

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